Jones, Stephen & Family
Stephen Jones & Family
Walpole, NH
Stephen Jones and family were listed at the end of the 1820 census for Walpole, NH, as a family of color. The listing for a free Black family of six includes: two adults over the age of 40, presumably Stephen and his wife, as well as 4 children under 14 years, one boy and three girls.
If this family lived in the area known as Drewsville along with other people of color in the early 19th century, they would have lived on land that straddled Walpole and Alstead. For that reason, it’s possible that one census taker recorded this family as Stephen Jones and family in Walpole while another census taker recorded the same family of color, but listed as Samuel/Saul Jobe and family, in Alstead, NH. Both families are families of color of the exact same age in each town in 1820.
See also: Saul Jobe
Frizzell, Martha McDanolds, A History of Walpole New Hampshire (1963) -
U.S. Federal Census, 1820 -